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Duke has commit bits to dozens of free and open source projects and has been involved in the Free+Open Source community for 20+ years.. You can send messages to around 50 people simultaneously, allowing for encrypted mailing-list style messaging.. You're also free to choose your own mining pool This allows transactions without disclosing sender, receiver, message (or even that a message existed), or financial transaction amount.

Using the zCash protocol, it allows transactions involving shielded addresses in addition to normal transparent Bitcoin addresses.. Duke writes code that improves the world and optimizes for increasing Freedom for average folks.. He also helped design the backend of OpenTreeOfLife, where scientists around the world can study how all living things are related in an open and accessible way.. You will see his name in Firefox about:credits for helping their Javascript engine use less memory as well as on the 'Nature' publication for the Tomato Genome, as part of his work with BioPerl.

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